book review: On Dublin Street


“On Dublin Street” written by Samantha Young

I joined this socialnetwork site called Goodreads (; where i can download free ebooks, check the latest/bestseller books in town, or even communicates with my fellow book lovers all over the world. There’s a page that you can enter and join their giveaway books. I always check this page though im actually not sure if its REAL. But then on November 6, 2012, i woke up with a package beside my bed. Without opening it, i already know whats inside (though im not sure what the book is, since i entered alot of giveaways already).

So there, I’ve got this “On Dublin Street” book written by Samantha Young. It took me almost 2 months to open it since i bought a lot of books from the last book fair i attended.

I havent heard of Samantha Young as an author until I got this book of her. And i was surprised to love every bit of it! im not saying this because i got this for free, im saying this because its really how i felt.

“None of your business” is Joss favorite line in this book. She always say this to people who’s trying to get into her. People who tries to show they care. People showing love, care, and attention towards her made her sick, and Joss terrible past has something to do with it. I can assure you that you will enjoy this book as much as i did. A story that proves that no man is an island. That we’re all destined to seek for love, care, and attention, from those people who matters.

P.S “i read this book TWICE 🙂